Hoernle, N., Gal, K., Grosz, B., Lyons, L., Ren, A. and Rubin, A., 2019. Interpretable Models for Understanding Immersive Simulations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.11025.
Yanovsky, S., Hoernle, N., Lev, O. and Gal, K., 2019, June. One Size Does Not Fit All: Badge Behavior in Q&A Sites. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 113-120). ACM.(Best Student Paper Award at UMAP)
Roi Shilo, Nicholas Hoernle, Kobi Gal. Detecting Creativity in an Open Ended Geometry Environment. Educational Data Mining (EDM), Montreal, Canada, July 2019.
Hoernle, N., Gal, Y., Grosz, B., Protopapas, P. and Rubin, A. (2018). Modeling the Effects of Students' Interactions with Immersive Simulations using Markov Switching Systems. In: Educational Data Mining 2018. Buffalo, NY.
Hoernle, N. (2018). Modeling the Effects of Students' Interactions with Immersive Simulations (Unpublished master's thesis). Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.